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Abu Jassim specializes in replacements in all areas of Kuwait. Contact 65018111 throughout the week

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Land for Exchange in Mutlaa
0 KD
25 minutes
For the land of Street and Skka N1 with a request for 2010 and before the price 24 thousand are corners ❎❎❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️ For the allowance of the corner of two streets N4 with a request for 3/3 and the pre -price 55 thousand ❎❎✅✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️✅✅✅✅✅✅✅❇️ For the land of the belly and the back of a main street n2 with one street, the price is 46 thousand ❇️❇️✅❇️❇️✅❇️❇️✅✅❇️✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ The allowance for the land of Street and Skka N10+N4 with the request for 2012 and accept
Land for Exchange in Mutlaa
0 KD
6 days
The allowance for the land of the belly, back, and the N7, with the N7, with a request for 2007 and before 72 thousand or 2008, and pay the difference to us ❇️❇️✅❇️❇️❎❇️❇️❎❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️ For the land, three streets are free to bounce N1 with one street. Review 62 thousand ✅❎✅✅❇️❇️❇️✅✅✅❇️❇️❇️✅✅❇️✅✅ For the land of one street nearby services n1 ❎❎✅✅✅❎✅✅❇️❎✅❇️❎✅❎✅❇️❇️ The allowance is ready to be a basement, a basement, role and text n11 with the request for 2012 and before the price 122 thousand
Land for Exchange in Wafra Residential
0 KD
7 days
The allowance is ready for one street with one street in Al -Mutlaa Ras Barras only the commission ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ For the alternative to the land of the abdomen and the back of 5 pieces with the request for 2012 and before the price 17,000 ✅❇️❇️✅✅❇️❇️✅❇️✅✅❇️✅✅✅✅✅✅ The allowance for the land of the belly and back and a piece of 5 pieces with the request for 2012 and before the price is 20 thousand ❇️❇️✅❇️❇️✅❇️✅❇️❇️❇️✅✅❇️✅✅✅✅️✅✅✅✅ For the alternative to the land of the belly and the back of a piece 6 with the request for 2012 and the pre -price of 20 correspondents
Land for Exchange in Mutlaa
0 KD
11 days
For the land of one street, nearby services n1 ❎❇️✅❇️❎✅✅❎❎❇️❎❇️❇️❎❇️❇️❇️❇️ The allowance is the land of three streets, a free bounce n1 with one street land, a review of 62 thousand correspondents ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅❇️✅✅✅ For the land of the belly and the back of the N4 services with one street, the price is 72 thousand ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ The allowance is the land of three sides, the N12 segmental bouquets, with the 2009 request and before the review of 122 thousand
Land for Exchange in Mutlaa
22,000 KD
15 days
For the land of Street and Skka N4 with a request for 2012 and before, with the teams paying us ✅✅❇️✅✅✅✅✅❇️❇️❇️✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️ The allowance for the land of the belly and back and the N7 N7 reflux with the request for 2007 and before the price of 72 thousand or with the 2008 request and before and pay the difference to us ✅✅❇️❇️❇️✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ The allowance for one street, opposite the N6 mosque, with the 2007 request, and before, with the teams ’payment to us ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅❇️✅✅✅✅ The allowance for one street land and the N10 sector rail
House for Exchange in West Abdullah Al-Mubarak
0 KD
19 days
For the allowance, one street is three floors, opposite the mosque of 2400, for the allowance with one street, a normal bounce, a seat, the price is 32 thousand, ❎❎❇️❇️✅❇️✅❇️❎❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❎❇️❎❇️❎❇️ The allowance has three streets in exchange for services with the 2007 request and before, with the teams paying us ❎✅✅✅❎❇️✅❎✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ The allowance is ready for a belly, and three roles appeared and a quarter with a request for 2012, with the payment of the team ❎❇️✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️ Lands are required for the allowance with the request for 2012 and before and to pay the difference for you
Land for Sale in Mutlaa
163,000 KD
20 days
For sale, one street land, N5, without subsidized, with a 10,000 loan, price 163,000, with all guarantees for the buyer of Jupiter
Land for Exchange in Khaitan South New
0 KD
20 days
The allowance is three sides of the cutting of a piece of cutting with the request for 2012 and before the price of 450 thousand ❇️❇️✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️ The allowance is the land of three streets, with the request for 2012 and before the price on the Somme ✅❎❇️✅❎✅❇️✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ For the land of the abdomen and the porch appeared with the request for 2012 and before the price of 350 thousand ❇️❇️❇️✅❇️❎❎❇️❎❎❎❎❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❎️❎ The allowance is a belly land, and the porch appeared with Al -Maalad ❎❎✅❇️❇️❇️❇️✅✅✅❇️❇️✅❎❇️✅✅✅ For the land of one street with the request for 2012 and before
Land for Exchange in Khaitan South New
350 KD
23 days
The allowance for the land of the abdomen and the back of the router is back with the request for 2012 and before the review of 350 thousand ❎❇️✅❇️❇️✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️✅✅✅✅️✅✅✅✅️✅✅✅✅ The allowance is a belly land and the back of the corridor is back with Al -Mutlaa and the difference is paid to us ❎❎❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❎❇️❇️❎❎❇️❇️❇️❇️❎️❎️❎ The allowance is three sides of the bounce with the request for 2012 and before the price 450 thousand ❎❎✅✅✅❎✅❎✅❎✅✅✅❎❎❎❎❎ For the land of one street, a bounce with Al -Maalafa, a site of apostasy and payment of the teams for us
Land for Exchange in West Abdullah Al-Mubarak
0 KD
25 days
The allowance for the land of three streets in exchange for free bounce services, with the 2007 request and before the price, review 350 thousand ✅✅❇️✅✅❇️✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅❇️❇️❇️❇️ The allowance has a belly voucher, and it appears ready three roles and a quarter of a main street with the request for 2012 and before the review of 370 thousand ✅✅❇️❇️✅❇️❇️✅✅❇️✅✅❇️✅✅✅✅❇️ The allowance has a belly, back, and a basement, a basement and three roles, with approximately 25 thousand, the rest of the loan, 10,000 with a request for 2012, and before the price, review 370 thousand
Land for Exchange in South Abdullah Al-Mubarak
190,000 KD
28 days
For the land of one street with a request for 2012 and before the price 192 thousand ❇️❇️✅❇️❇️❇️✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️✅✅❇️✅✅❇️❇️ For the land, three sides are bounced with a request for 2002 and before the price of 320 thousand with the request for 2007 and before the price 350 thousand ✅✅✅✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️✅ The allowance for a two -street corner land with the request for 2012 and before the price is 250 thousand ❇️✅✅❇️❇️✅❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️ The allowance for one street land with one street land, with the payment of the difference for us