Buildings for Rent in Al Farwaniya Governorate (2 Ads)
About Al-Farwaniya Governorate
Al-Farwaniya Governorate is a Kuwaiti governorate established in 1988 and is considered the largest governorate in terms of population. Among its most famous landmarks: The Avenues Mall, Kuwait Airport, the Zoo, Kuwait University (Al-Shadadiyah).
Al-Farwaniya Governorate consists of 20 areas, namely: Farwaniya Stables, Ishbilya, Andalus, Khaitan South New, Rabia, Rehab , Riggae, Rai, Dajeej, Ardiya, Herafi Ardiya Industrial, Omariya, Firdous, Farwaniya, Jleeb, Al-Shuyoukh - Hasawi, South Abdullah Al-Mubarak, Khaitan, Sabah Al-Nasser, Abdullah Al-Mubarak, West Abdullah Al-Mubarak
Information About the Buildings Listed for Rent in Al-Farwaniya Governorate
You can now search for buildings and condominiums for rent in Al-Farwaniya Governorate in Boshamlan real estate finder, and these buildings are rented by some companies, institutions and investors who are looking for a large number of apartments for rent for labor in Al-Farwaniya Governorate so that they are close to the work site, and if you do not find what It suits you on this page, as you can find it in the section of buildings for rent in all areas of Kuwait or the section of commercial real estate for rent in Kuwait