Houses for Rent in Kuwait (343 Ads)
Information About the Houses Listed for Rent in Kuwait
Search for houses and villas for rent in Kuwait using Boshamlan application. Renting private housing homes in Kuwait is a wide sector and its activity varies according to areas and classes of society. Boshamlan website and app shows you the largest number of ads for houses for rent in all areas of Kuwait, but it should be noted that the cost of renting houses may be expensive, and if you prefer lower prices, you can search for apartments or flats for rent in Kuwait. Renting houses in Kuwait is active in various areas, including Sabah Al-Ahmad Residential, Jaber Al-Ahmad, Sabah Al-Salem, Jabriya, Hateen, Egaila, Abdullah Al-Mubarak - West Jleeb, West Abdullah Al-Mubarak.
Renting an entire house or villa is a suitable option for those who prefer a more spacious and private living environment, as most houses are usually located in quiet residential areas compared to investment areas in Kuwait. It also offers more indoor and outdoor spaces, and more car parking spaces, which makes it ideal for families with children. The plot areas of the houses range from 300 meters to 1000 meters, but most of the houses are either 400 or 600 square meters, and this is due to the land distributions from the Public Authority for Housing Welfare. As for the number of floors, it ranges from two to three floors and a basement, as well as there may be a diwaniya in the old constructed houses.
Rent and leasing in Kuwait do not have effective control from the concerned authorities, and there is a limited role for the competent authorities to intervene and put an end to the problems that may occur between the owner of the house and the tenant. While lease contracts for libraries in book shops are sold without approvals from official bodies or institutions, and rent receipts as well, negotiating the lease contract and the house rent price is an essential step for any lessor, and house rent prices in Kuwait start from about KD 1200 and sometimes reach Up to 4000 KD or more, depending on the level of finishing of the house, as well as according to the area, the size of the house, and many other factors. Today, approximately 40% of the salary of the head of the family goes to paying the rent and its necessities of services (electricity, water, maintenance, internet, etc.).
There are some houses distributed by the Public Authority for Housing Welfare in Kuwait to those who are eligible to house their families, but many of them are fully or partially rented, and some have been rented to centers, institutes, nurseries and embassies. Knowing that the law is clear in this aspect, as the citizen’s possession of the house document authorizes him to do so, but in the event that the document is with the Public Authority for Housing Welfare and the installments have not expired, the law authorizes it to withdraw the property from its owner for violating the conditions and laws according to Article 31, which states that it is not permissible to use housing care stipulated in this law other than those for which it was allocated.
If you want to deal with a real estate agency or a broker to help you find a house for rent, you should know that it is customary that the commission of the broker is half of the monthly rent and this is in exchange for its fees and services as it is supposed to help you understand the laws, paperwork, the negotiation process, and make sure Ensure that all is well before and after signing the lease.