Houses for Sale in Kuwait (1258 Ads)
Information About the Houses Listed for Sale in Kuwait
Search free and easily for houses and villas for sale in Kuwait through Boshamlan real estate finder, through it a hundreds of houses for sale in Kuwait are advertised, some of which are advertised directly by the owners, while others are advertised through real estate agencies or brokers. You can also broaden your search to include all types of properties for sale in Kuwait
House selling operations in Kuwait are active in areas such as: Sabah Al-Ahmad Residential, Jaber Al-Ahmad, Sabah Al-Salem, Funaitees, Bayan, Salwa, West Abdullah Al-Mubarak.
The prices of houses vary according to the area, the location of the house, its front area of the house, its distance to services, and the entrances and exits of the area. The relationship between house prices and family income is what always determines the level of its purchasing power, as many Kuwaiti youth want to own a house and dispense with the burdensome rental costs. The residential real estate sector, represented by private or government houses, fulfills a basic need of life requirements for the citizen, as the demand for it continues to grow, which leads to a rise in house prices, and most Kuwaiti citizens cannot afford even if they borrow from banks. There are expectations that house and real estate prices in Kuwait will continue to rise. Therefore, real estate prices in Kuwait have become one of the highest in the world, and it is expected that private housing prices will stabilize or rise in the coming years unless radical changes occur such as the establishment of new housing cities and the mortgage law. Although most Kuwaiti citizens rely on personal financing to buy their houses, in addition to bank financing, prices are likely to rise for several reasons, including that housing is a basic need, and the scarcity of land in Kuwait in exchange for the increased demand for it. However, it is possible to fix the high price of houses in Kuwait in the event that new lands are provided which that enter the private residential real estate market, which leads to price stability, as well as the application of the tax law on those who own more than one house, which will help in correcting prices, as many investors own dozens of houses in the residential sector with the aim of renting them In the form of apartments or floors, although it is located in residential areas, the main objective of its establishment was not for investment. However, real estate prices continued to rise, and the rise of the real estate market in the previous period is due to several reasons, including:
- The housing problem in Kuwait, which is due to previous ministerial eras.
- Obstacles to building cities and new housing areas such as the documentary cycle, infrastructure, provision of electricity and water, schools and other public services.
- The lack of advanced financing facilities such as the mortgage law.
- The entry of a large segment of investors into private residential areas, dividing the house into apartments and floors, and offering them for rent with investment returns that exceed the return in investment areas.
- Declining returns on deposits in banks in the past years, and this encouraged some to withdraw their money from banks and invest it in the real estate market.
- The activity of some investors who buy houses with the aim of reselling them shortly.
- Low supply versus high demand and liquidity.
- There are not many other investment opportunities in Kuwait.