Properties for Sale in Mubarak Al Kabeer Governorate (296 Ads)
About Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate
Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate is a newly established Kuwaiti governorate in 1999, and it contains the least number of areas compared to other governorates. It was named in relation to Sheikh Mubarak Al-Sabah (he was called the Lion of the Island and Mubarak the Great), who is the seventh ruler of the State of Kuwait.
Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate is considered small compared to the rest of Kuwait’s governorates, and it contains 12 areas, most of them are close to the sea: Abu Al-Hasania, Abu Fatira, West of Abu Fatira Al-Herafia - Aswaq Al-Qurain, Adan, Funaitees, Qurain, Qosour, Masayel, Messila, Sabah Al-Salem, Sabhan Industrial, Mubarak Al-Kabeer
Information About the Properties Listed for Sale in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate
There are many Kuwaiti citizens looking for real estate for sale in Kuwait, specifically in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate, and we have provided you in Boshamlan with an integrated platform to browse and display all real estate ads for rent such as houses, apartments, etc., which may be offered directly by the owner or through intermediaries. Boshamlan shows you the details of the advertisement and its price, if the advertiser mentioned it, and you can view the real estate prices similar to your request, and thus be aware of the real market prices.
Over the past years, the Kuwaiti real estate sector has witnessed many things that led to an increase in prices, such as the continuous population growth and lack of supply. Real estate prices vary according to the area, the area of the property, its location, its proximity to services, and other matters. In any case, housing solutions must be presented at the state level, otherwise the price increase may continue. There are multiple factors that contribute to the rise in real estate prices, such as lack of supply in exchange for increasing demand, and this is due to population growth and the increasing need of Kuwaiti citizens and residents for housing, the government’s slowness in providing suitable housing for the citizen, most of the real estate is rented and generates investment returns that sometimes exceed 6% of the value of the property, inflation and high prices Building materials and labor wages. Despite this, there are indications that real estate prices may be corrected naturally, such as the presence of great hesitation in recent years in making a purchase decision.
Before you deal with any broker, you must clarify his fee for his services, which is usually 1% of the contract value, paid equally between the seller and the buyer, unless otherwise agreed. Sales transactions must be completed at the real estate registration department of Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate. It is also necessary to ensure the availability of the initial sale contract, the original document, the civil cards of all parties, the lease contract, if any, the issuance of a certified check or a bank transfer and a copy of it, a certificate of the property’s description.
The electronic real estate broker book is a system of real estate brokers and intermediaries, developed by the Ministry of Commerce, to eliminate money laundering and manipulation in the real estate market. This is useful in organizing sales and reducing errors that were made in the paper books. It also helps in removing intruders in this profession and protecting the rights of all parties. This system assists in the automation of real estate transactions, which leads to the speedy completion of real estate transactions.